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Why Coaching?

We live in a high-stress high-expectation environment. Women today shoulder responsibilities so different from our mothers and the generations before them. Women today drown in a noisy world of information and our challenges are compounded by the rise of, and our dependence on, technology.

We constantly seek for clarity of mind. We seek understanding of why-s and how-s. We seek reasons for being. Here is how a coaching process benefits:

The Coaching Journey with MWC

This is the foundation upon which every initiative & activity of the academy is built. It is the driver behind our coaching design & methodologies.

INTENTION is the “heartbeat” of our coaching process. The ULTIMATE intention.

Every coaching conversation is guided by these 5 ‘check-in’ points to establish focus & to ensure positive progression geared towards set goals.

I.S.L.A.M. is the “body” of our coaching approach.

Human is blessed with the power to acquire abilities that would enable her to flourish wholebeing-ly. INSAN is a reference specific to the demonstration of model competency of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

INSAN is “akhlaq”, the reference for “energy of character”.

A blessed life. A balanced life/afterlife.